Embracing Karuna: Buddhist Compassion in Partners for Progressive Israel’s Mission


Partners for Progressive Israel, formerly known as Meretz USA, stands as a beacon of hope in the pursuit of a durable, secure, and just peace between Israel and its neighbors. Founded in 1992, this American non-governmental organization is deeply rooted in progressive Zionist principles, merging the values of Socialist Zionism and Labor Zionism. In this exploration, we delve into the organization’s history, activities, and philosophy, drawing parallels with the Buddhist teachings of Karuna, or compassion.

Understanding Karuna in Buddhism

Karuna, a fundamental concept in Buddhism, denotes compassion and empathy for all sentient beings. It extends beyond sympathy, urging individuals to actively alleviate the suffering of others. Partners for Progressive Israel’s mission aligns with these teachings, as it strives for a peace that encompasses civil rights, human rights, social justice, equality, religious freedom, and environmentalism.

Origins and Integration of Progressive Zionism

The organization’s roots trace back to the merger of several progressive Zionist groups, including the Education Fund for Israeli Civil Rights and Peace, Americans for Progressive Israel, and the American Friends of Ratz. This amalgamation marked the integration of Socialist Zionism and Labor Zionism, echoing the principles of shared society, peace, and social justice advocated by Partners for Progressive Israel.

The Meretz USA Era

Initially known as Meretz USA, the organization faced challenges in its pursuit of membership in the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. The rejection was attributed to factors such as insufficient membership and budget, but suspicions lingered that the left-leaning orientation of Meretz USA played a role. Despite these hurdles, the organization remained steadfast in its advocacy for peaceful negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.

Karuna in Action: Advocacy and Activism

Partners for Progressive Israel actively engages in a myriad of activities both in the United States and Israel. From public lectures and events to street demonstrations and the Theodore Bikel Peace and Justice Internship Program, the organization embodies the spirit of Karuna by working towards civil and human rights, social and environmental justice, women’s rights, and LGBTQ rights. The annual Israel Symposium serves as a testament to their commitment, providing a platform for dialogue between Israeli and Palestinian officials, activists, and journalists.

The Progressive Israel Network

Founded in June 2019, Partners for Progressive Israel is a key member of the Progressive Israel Network, standing united against any boycotts of Israel, including the BDS campaign. This alliance echoes the organization’s commitment to fostering understanding and dialogue, reminiscent of the Buddhist ideals of compassion and interconnectedness.

Evolution and Adaptation: Name Change and Policy Advocacy

In 2011, Meretz USA rebranded as Partners for Progressive Israel to better reflect its mission of bringing together Israelis and Americans supporting a progressive Israel and Zionist movement. Over the years, the organization has actively participated in policy advocacy, supporting resolutions in the House of Representatives that express opposition to the BDS movement and endorse a negotiated two-state solution.

Challenges and Controversies

Partners for Progressive Israel has not been without challenges and controversies, notably its call to boycott products made in Israeli settlements beyond the Green Line. This stance, rooted in a nuanced approach, underscores the organization’s commitment to a progressive Israel while advocating against an indiscriminate boycott.


In conclusion, Partners for Progressive Israel embodies the teachings of Karuna through its commitment to compassion, understanding, and active pursuit of a just and lasting peace. From its roots in progressive Zionism to its involvement in the Progressive Israel Network, the organization navigates the complexities of Israeli society with the aim of fostering a progressive and compassionate Israel. As the journey continues, the principles of Karuna guide Partners for Progressive Israel in its unwavering pursuit of a brighter and more harmonious future for the region.

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