Harmony in Collaboration: The Power of Unity for Peace

In a world often marked by division and conflict, there are inspiring stories of individuals and groups striving to make a positive change, advocating for peace and humanitarian rights. One such story brings to mind the ancient wisdom of Buddhism and the concept of Karma Yoga — the path of selfless service and action for the greater good.

Meet the Women of the Sun

Meet the Women of the Sun, a Palestinian women’s organization based in Bethlehem. Founded in July 2021, their mission is dedicated to finding a peaceful resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. Their approach, rooted in the principles of Karma Yoga, focuses on selfless service and actions that contribute to the well-being of others.

Collaboration for Peace

One remarkable aspect of the Women of the Sun’s journey is their collaboration with Women Wage Peace, an Israeli organization that shares a similar objective. Together, these two groups have shown the world that unity and cooperation can lead to profound change.

In late 2021 and early 2022, both organizations worked tirelessly to create a “joint platform.” This platform became a space where individuals from diverse backgrounds could come together to discuss and promote peace. Their collective efforts culminated in a peace conference held in March 2022 at Neve Midbar Beach on the Dead Sea. The event was a testament to the power of collaboration, as it brought together voices from both sides of the conflict, working towards a common goal — peace.

Challenges Along the Way

However, their path to peace was not without challenges. The General Union of Palestinian Women criticized the conference, accusing it of “normalizing” the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. They even labeled Women of the Sun as a “fictitious” organization. Despite these setbacks, the Women of the Sun persevered, staying true to their mission of promoting harmony and peace.

A Symbolic Peace March

One of the most striking examples of their commitment to peace occurred on October 4, 2023, just days before the onset of the 2023 Israel-Hamas war. The Women of the Sun and Women Wage Peace organized a peace march in Jerusalem. Starting from the Monument of Tolerance and ending at the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood, this symbolic march demonstrated their unwavering dedication to fostering unity and understanding.

A Buddhist Tale of Inspiration

In the world of Buddhism, there is a story that beautifully encapsulates the essence of Karma Yoga and the Women of the Sun’s journey. It’s the story of the Bodhisattva, an enlightened being who chooses to remain in the cycle of birth and death to help all living beings attain enlightenment. This selfless act of service is at the core of Karma Yoga — performing actions not for personal gain but for the benefit of others.

Similarly, the Women of the Sun have chosen to dedicate themselves to the cause of peace, working tirelessly for the well-being of their communities and their people. Their actions are a reflection of the Bodhisattva’s spirit, as they selflessly serve their communities and strive to make the world a better place for all.


The collaboration between the Women of the Sun and Women Wage Peace serves as a shining example of the power of unity, selfless service, and Karma Yoga in action. In a world often plagued by division, their story reminds us that when individuals and organizations come together for a common cause, they can create a positive impact that extends far beyond their initial goals.

As we reflect on their journey, we can draw inspiration from the principles of Karma Yoga and the selfless dedication of these remarkable women. Through their actions, they show us that peace is not an unattainable dream, but a goal that can be achieved through unity and a commitment to the well-being of all.

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