The Alignment of Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI) with Buddhist Right Action

The Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI) can be considered an example of Buddhist right action in the context of its mission and activities. Buddhist right action is a fundamental principle of Buddhist ethics, which emphasizes doing what is morally and ethically right to reduce suffering and promote well-being. IPCRI’s work aligns with several key aspects of Buddhist right action:

Promotion of Peace

IPCRI’s primary mission is to work towards a just, viable, and sustainable resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Buddhism places a strong emphasis on non-violence and conflict resolution. By striving for peaceful solutions and bringing together individuals from both sides of the conflict, IPCRI contributes to the reduction of violence and suffering.

Collaboration and Cooperation

IPCRI operates as a joint Israeli-Palestinian NGO with shared leadership. This collaborative approach reflects the Buddhist principle of interconnectedness and working together to achieve common goals. By fostering cooperation between Israelis and Palestinians, IPCRI promotes unity and understanding.

Conflict Mediation

IPCRI has been involved in track two negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians. These negotiations aim to find peaceful solutions to the conflict through dialogue and compromise. Buddhist teachings emphasize the importance of dialogue and peaceful negotiation to resolve disputes rather than resorting to aggression.

Peace Education

IPCRI has a history of peace education programs aimed at teaching conflict resolution skills and values of peace, respect, and human rights to students in Israeli, Palestinian, and Jordanian schools. This aligns with Buddhist values of promoting understanding, compassion, and tolerance among individuals and communities.

Environmental Sustainability

IPCRI’s Environment and Water Department focuses on cooperation between Israelis and Palestinians regarding environmental issues, including water resource management and climate change. Buddhism teaches respect for the environment and the need to protect it for future generations. IPCRI’s work in this area contributes to environmental sustainability, which is aligned with Buddhist ethics.

Cultural Exchange

IPCRI facilitates tours for Israelis and Palestinians in various cities across the region, aiming to break down physical and mental barriers and build trust and support for a political peace process. This cultural exchange fosters greater understanding and appreciation of each other’s cultures, aligning with Buddhist values of intercultural harmony and empathy.

Research for Peace

IPCRI conducts research on Israeli and Palestinian textbooks to examine their content for tolerance and peace-oriented messages. This research aims to address potential sources of conflict and promote a more peaceful coexistence, aligning with Buddhist values of seeking truth and understanding.

Buddhist Story of Right Action

Consider this Buddhist story of right action:

In a peaceful village, wise monk Bhikkhu Ananda encountered a fisherman, Raju, torn between selling a rare golden fish for wealth or releasing it to honor life. Bhikkhu Ananda shared a story of a hermit who saved a fish from an eagle to illustrate the importance of preventing harm and protecting life, aligning with Buddhist principles of right action. Touched by the wisdom, Raju chose compassion, releasing the fish. His act inspired others and upheld the noble path of right action, promoting inner peace and the well-being of all sentient beings.

IPCRI’s Moral Dilemma

The story of Bhikkhu Ananda and Raju illustrates how the principles of Buddhist Right Action relate to the Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI). IPCRI faces a moral dilemma, similar to Raju’s choice. IPCRI’s mission is to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict peacefully, reflecting the Buddhist principles of preventing harm and honoring life.

IPCRI’s work, like Bhikkhu Ananda’s compassion, aims to protect lives by promoting peace, cooperation, and dialogue in the region. Just as Bhikkhu Ananda’s actions inspired others to choose compassion, IPCRI’s efforts can inspire reconciliation and cooperation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, aligning with the principles of right action and compassion.


In conclusion, IPCRI’s mission and activities align with Buddhist right action principles by promoting peace, cooperation, conflict resolution, education, environmental sustainability, cultural exchange, and research for peace in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Through its efforts, IPCRI strives to reduce suffering and contribute to a more harmonious and peaceful coexistence in the region, reflecting the core values of Buddhist ethics.

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